International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Asymptotically Optimal Message Dissemination with Applications to Blockchains

Chen-Da Liu-Zhang
Luzern University of Applied Sciences and Arts & Web3 Foundation

Christian Matt

Søren Eller Thomsen



Messages in large-scale networks such as blockchain systems are typically disseminated using flooding protocols, in which parties send the message to a random set of peers until it reaches all parties. Optimizing the communication complexity of such protocols and, in particular, the per-party communication complexity is of primary interest since nodes in a network are often subject to bandwidth constraints. Previous flooding protocols incur a per-party communication complexity of \\varOmega (l\\cdot \\gamma ^{-1} \\cdot (\\log (n) + \\kappa )) bits to disseminate an /l/\-bit message among /n/ parties with security parameter \\kappa when it is guaranteed that a \\gamma fraction of the parties remain honest. In this work, we present the first flooding protocols with a per-party communication complexity of O(l\\cdot \\gamma ^{-1}) bits. We further show that this is asymptotically optimal and that our protocols can be instantiated provably securely in the usual setting for proof-of-stake blockchains.

To demonstrate that one of our new protocols is not only asymptotically optimal but also practical, we perform several probabilistic simulations to estimate the concrete complexity for given parameters. Our simulations show that our protocol significantly improves the per-party communication complexity over the state-of-the-art for practical parameters. Hence, for given bandwidth constraints, our results allow to, e.g., increase the block size, improving the overall throughput of a blockchain.





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Artifact published
June 15, 2024


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BibTeX How to cite

Liu-Zhang, CD., Matt, C., Thomsen, S.E. (2024). Asymptotically Optimal Message Dissemination with Applications to Blockchains. In: Joye, M., Leander, G. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2024. EUROCRYPT 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14653. Springer, Cham. Artifact available at