International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

Crypto 2024

FuLeakage: Breaking FuLeeca by Learning Attacks

Felicitas Hörmann
German Aerospace Center (DLR), University of St. Gallen

Wessel van Woerden
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest Research Centre

Keywords: learning attack, FuLeeca, Lee metric, lattice reduction, quantum attack


FuLeeca is a signature scheme submitted to the recent NIST call for additional signatures. It is an efficient hash-and-sign scheme based on quasi-cyclic codes in the Lee metric and resembles the lattice-based signature Falcon.

FuLeeca proposes a so-called concentration step within the signing procedure to avoid leakage of secret-key information from the signatures. However, FuLeeca is still vulnerable to learning attacks, which were first observed for lattice-based schemes. We present three full key-recovery attacks by exploiting the proximity of the code-based FuLeeca scheme to lattice-based primitives.

More precisely, we use a few signatures to extract an n/2-dimensional circulant sublattice of the given length-n code, that still contains the exceptionally short secret-key vector. This significantly reduces the classical attack cost and, in addition, leads to a full key recovery in quantum-polynomial time. Furthermore, we exploit a bias in the concentration procedure to classically recover the full key for any security level with at most 175.000 signatures in less than an hour.


Crypto 2024



Artifact number

Artifact published
August 15, 2024


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BibTeX How to cite

Hörmann, F., van Woerden, W. (2024). FuLeakage: Breaking FuLeeca by Learning Attacks. In: Reyzin, L., Stebila, D. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – Crypto 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14925. Springer, Cham. Artifact available at