International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Volume 2025

A Framework for Generating S-Box Circuits with Boyer-Peralta Algorithm-Based Heuristics, and Its Applications to AES, SNOW3G, and Saturnin



This text provides guidance on using a tool is developed in A Framework for Generating S-Box Circuits with Boyar–Peralta Algorithm-Based Heuristics, and Its Applications to AES, SNOW3G, and Saturnin, a paper accepted to CHES 2025.
(Paper URL :
This tool optimizes the number of XOR gates and depth in S-box circuits by using algorithms that extends BPD and RNBP, which are algorithms for optimizing circuits of linear layers.
So, RNBP option optimizes only the number of XOR gates, while BPD option optimizes the number of XOR gates within a depth specified by the user.
The tool preserves nonlinear gates and AND-depth.

This tool includes the results (for AES, SNOW3G, and Saturnin) presented in the paper and the Ascon S-box circuit for quick testing.

Options of

-h : Show the help message and exit.
search : Search for optimized circuits. (default)
analyze : Generates files by analyzing the result and log files.

Search Options

-f : Specifies the circuit filename to optimize (excluding the .py extension). [default : AES10]
-m : Indicates the number of cores for multi-threading. Each core runs independently to optimize the target circuit. If set to 1, a single core is used. [default : 1]
-a : Selects the BP-based algorithm to apply (RNBP or BPD). [default : RNBP]
-d or -H : Sets the depth limit. [default : 23]
-r : Enable or disables random circuit modification mode (True or False). [default : False]

Usage Examples

This section provides example commands along with explanations of their outcomes.

python search

This command performs the optimization process for the circuit specified in
code_target_imps/, utilizing eRNBP.

python -f AES12

The optimization process targets the circuit in code_target_imps/, utilizing eRNBP.

python -f AES12 -m 12 -a BPD -H 15

Here, the optimization focuses on the circuit in code_target_imps/, using eBPD with 12 cores and a depth limit of 15.

python -f Ascon

In this case, the circuit in code_target_imps/ is optimized with eRNBP.

python -f Ascon -m 4 -a BPD -H 5 -r True

This command applies optimization to the circuit in code_target_imps/ using eBPD with 4 cores, a depth limit of 5, and random circuit modification mode enabled.

python -f Saturnin -m 8 -a RNBP

The optimization is applied to the circuit in code_target_imps/, utilizing eRNBP on 8 cores.

python analyze

The analysis processes all results stored in the code_results directory, generating a summary in code_results/CODE_RESULTS.txt. Log files in the log directory are reviewed, with changes in Dist saved to log/view_Dist and additional information stored in log/view_all_Info.

Included Circuit Files

code_target_imps/ : AES S-box circuit in [BP10]
code_target_imps/ : AES S-box circuit in [BP12]
code_target_imps/ and code_target_imps/ : AES S-box circuits made in Section 4.1 based on [BP10]
code_target_imps/ and code_target_imps/ : AES S-box circuits made in Section 4.1 based on [BP12]
code_target_imps/ : Ascon S-box circuit in [DEMS21]
code_target_imps/ : Saturnin super S-box circuit in [CDL+20]
code_target_imps/ : Front part of SNOW3G S-box in [BHNS10]
code_target_imps/ : Back part of SNOW3G S-box in [BHNS10]
code_formal/ : Formal type (XOR information) of code_target_imps/
Files in code_results directory : Results included in the paper.

How to Upload Circuits

To optimize a circuit, it must be uploaded as a Python file in the code_target_imps directory.
The implementation of the circuit must be inserted at the position marked by the following comment in the file:

################### Here is your code !! ###################

The input and output variables must be listed as x and y, respectively.
For further instructions, refer to the example file provided in the code_target_imps directory.

Generated Files by Our Tool

The code_results directory includes the result .py files.
The code_formal directory includes temporary .py files to extract XOR information.
The log directory includes log files recording the optimization process.
The log/view_Dist directory includes log files that record changes to Dist.
The log/view_all_Info directory includes log files containing information other than Dist.

Notes on the Resulting Circuit Files

When this tool runs to optimize the circuit, a file or files are generated in core_results.
The file name is written in the order of [original file name], [RNBP or limited depth], [number of XOR gates], [core name], and [time].
For example, if you run python -f Ascon -a BPD -H 5, a file called core_results/ is generated.
The optimized circuit is written in Python format in the generated file(s).

Notes on Analyzing the Results

Using the analyze option, in code_results/CODE_RESULTS.txt, the following metrics are analyzed: depth (with NOTs), depth (without NOTs), AND-depth, ANDs, ORs, XORs, and NOTs.
When all NOT gates are combined into an XNOR gate, the latency of the circuit follows depth (without NOTs) rather than depth (with NOTs).

Running Time

Our multi-threading option does not improve the speed of one search, but it enables multiple searches to run concurrently. The following shows the time taken for one search per circuit with the AMD Ryzen 9 7950X:
Ascon S-box : Less than 1s,
AES S-box : 3h - 20h,
Saturnin super S-box : About a week,
A part of SNOW3G S-box : 12h - a day (when applying the technique to reduce the size of W as written in the paper.)


[BP10] Joan Boyar and René Peralta. A new combinational logic minimization technique with applications to cryptology. In Paola Festa, editor, Experimental Algorithms, 9th International Symposium, SEA 2010, Ischia Island, Naples, Italy, May 20-22, 2010. Proceedings, volume 6049 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 178–189. Springer, 2010.
[BHNS10] Billy Bob Brumley, Risto M. Hakala, Kaisa Nyberg, and Sampo Sovio. Consecutive s-box lookups: A timing attack on SNOW 3g. In Miguel Soriano, Sihan Qing, and Javier López, editors, Information and Communications Security - 12th International Conference, ICICS 2010, Barcelona, Spain, December 15-17, 2010. Proceedings, volume 6476 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 171–185. Springer, 2010.
[BP12] Joan Boyar and René Peralta. A small depth-16 circuit for the AES s-box. In Dimitris Gritzalis, Steven Furnell, and Marianthi Theoharidou, editors, Information Security and Privacy Research - 27th IFIP TC 11 Information Security and Privacy Conference, SEC 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 4-6, 2012. Proceedings, volume 376 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pages 287–298. Springer, 2012.
[CDL+20] Anne Canteaut, Sébastien Duval, Gaëtan Leurent, María Naya-Plasencia, Léo Perrin, Thomas Pornin, and André Schrottenloher. Saturnin: a suite of lightweight symmetric algorithms for post-quantum security. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 2020(S1):160–207, 2020.
[DEMS21] Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Florian Mendel, and Martin Schläffer. Ascon v1. 2: Lightweight authenticated encryption and hashing. Journal of Cryptology, 34:1–42, 2021.