International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Volume 2025

Optimized Software Implementation of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium on RV{32,64}IM{B}{V}



This is the artifact of the paper Optimized Software Implementation of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium on RV{32,64}IM{B}{V}. You can cite this work like this:

  author  = {Jipeng Zhang and
       Yuxing Yan and
       Junhao Huang and
       {\c{C}}etin Kaya Ko{\c{c}}},
  title   = "{Optimized Software Implementation of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium
       on RV\{32,64\}IM\{B\}\{V\}}",
  journal = "{IACR} Trans. Cryptogr. Hardw. Embed. Syst.",
  volume  = {2025},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {632-655},
  year    = {2024},
  month   = {Dec.}
  url     = {}

This branch is solely dedicated to reproducing the results presented in our paper. For the most recent updates, please refer to the main branch.

This project reused some open-source projects:
- public-domain code from the following repositories: and
- licensed under Apache-2.0.


Development board

We use the CanMV-K230 development board based on the Kendryte K230 SoC. This SoC adopts a big.LITTLE heterogeneous design, and we only use the big core in this work. The big core is based on the XuanTie C908 processor from T-Head Semiconductor, with the following information:
- Instruction set: RV{32,64}GCBV, vector extension version is 1.0
- Frequency: 1.6GHz
- Cache: 32KB L1 instruction/data cache, 256KB L2 cache
- Microarchitecture: Dual-core, 9-stage in-order pipeline
- Memory: 512MB
- Operating system: Linux version 5.10.4
- Compiler: riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc (Xuantie-900 linux-5.10.4 glibc gcc Toolchain V2.8.0 B-20231018) 10.4.0, whose download link is here. You can find more related resources at XuanTie community.

For the tutorial on how to use this development board, we refer readers to K230 doc and K230 sdk. We only emphasize some key configurations here. The command we use to make the system image for the development board is make CONF=k230_evb_only_linux_defconfig, which generates Linux OS by BuildRoot for the big core, so that we can run RVV instructions on the big core.

Basic Project Structure

We will use cpi/Makefile as an example to explain our basic project structure. In the dependency list of the all target, besides the executable files to be compiled, there is also the target out/scp_speed, which is implemented as follows:

out/scp_speed:  \
    out/cpi_rv32imb out/cpi_rv64imb out/cpi_rvv \
    out/cpi_rv_vgroup   \
    @echo 1 > $@

This means it will transfer all the generated executable files to the development board via scp. In summary, our make all command not only compiles the executable files but also uses scp to transfer all executables to the development board.

Additionally, our cpi/Makefile defines the target run_all, as shown below:

run_all: run_rv32imb run_rv64imb run_rvv run_rv_vgroup run_ntt_rv32imv

Taking the run_rv32imb target as an example:

run_rv32imb: out/scp_speed
    ssh $(TARGET_USER)@$(TARGET_IP) "cd $(TARGET_DIR) && ./cpi_rv32imb" > cpi_rv32imb.txt

This means that the host computer connects to the development board via ssh, runs the corresponding executable, and redirects the output to a txt file on the host computer.

Therefore, the basic steps to reproduce our experimental data are to navigate to the appropriate directory and then run the make run_all command. You can also use make all -j; make run_all, where make all -j leverages multithreading to speed up the compilation.

Reproduction of Experimental Data

Microbenchmarks for the C908 Core

Table 1 in our paper presents the latency and CPI (Cycles Per Instruction) for various instructions of the C908 core. Some of these results are directly obtained from the C908 user manual. Additionally, we performed a series of microbenchmarks, which can be found in the cpi/ directory. The source code files are identified by the .S and .c extensions, and the test results are in files with the .txt extension.

The commands you need to run are as follows:

cd cpi
make all -j
make run_all

The experimental results are output to the txt files in the cpi/ directory.

For a detailed explanation of the principles and results of the microbenchmarks, please refer to cpi/


Table 2 in our paper presents the experimental results for various Keccak-f1600 implementations. The data for the ARM Cortex-A55 and ARM Cortex-M4 platforms are directly taken from the corresponding papers, while the remaining data were obtained by running the following commands:

cd sha3
make all -j
make run_all

The experimental results are output to the txt files in the sha3/ directory.

The data in results_ko_rv32im.txt are from testing Ko Stoffelen's implementation on our platform with the RV32IM ISA. The data in results_riscvcrypto_rv64imb.txt are from testing the RISCV-Crypto implementation on our platform with the RV64IMB ISA. Files with the _ref.txt suffix contain test results of reference implementations on the corresponding ISAs. The remaining .txt files contain the test results of the optimized implementations from our work.


Table 3 in our paper reports the experimental results of various NTT implementations. The data for the ARM Cortex-A72 and ARM Cortex-M4 platforms are directly taken from the corresponding papers, while the remaining data were obtained by running the following commands:

cd ntt
make all -j
make run_all

The experimental results are output to the ntt/speed_ntt.txt file, which contains more comprehensive data than Table 3 in the paper.

The relationship between the entries in Table 3 and the experimental results in the ntt/speed_ntt.txt file is as follows:

Table 3 speed_ntt.txt
Kyber [HZZ+24] on RV32IM speed_singleissue_kyber_plantard_ntt_rv32
Kyber Our on RV32IM speed_dualissue_kyber_plantard_ntt_rv32
Kyber Our on RV64IM speed_dualissue_kyber_plantard_ntt_rv64
Kyber Our on RVV speed_dualissue_kyber_mont_ntt_rvv
Dilithium Our on RV32IM speed_dualissue_dilithium_mont_ntt_rv32
Dilithium Our on RV64IM speed_dualissue_dilithium_plant_ntt_rv64
Dilithium Our on RVV speed_dualissue_dilithium_mont_ntt_rvv

Kyber and Dilithium

Table 4 in our paper presents the performance comparison of various Kyber and Dilithium implementations. The data for the ARM Cortex-A72 and ARM Cortex-M4 platforms are directly taken from the corresponding papers.

To reproduce the experimental data for Kyber and Dilithium, navigate to the corresponding directory and run the following commands:

make all -j; make speed -j
make run_diff_vectors
make run_speed

The executable files generated by the all target are primarily used to verify the correctness of the Kyber or Dilithium implementations and to generate test vectors. The executable files generated by the speed target are used for performance testing.

The make run_diff_vectors command generates test vectors and compares them with those generated by the reference implementation to verify the correctness of our implementation. The make run_speed command performs performance testing on Kyber or Dilithium, with the results output to the corresponding txt files.

If you only want to perform performance testing, simply run the following commands:

make speed -j
make run_speed


To reproduce the [HZZ+24] on RV32IM results, run the following commands:

cd Kyber_HZZ24/fspeed
make speed -j
make run_speed

For the performance of the Kyber reference implementation on various ISAs, run the following commands:

cd Kyber/ref
make speed -j
make run_speed

The experimental results will be output to the txt files in the Kyber/ref directory.

For the performance of our optimized implementation on RV32, run the following commands:

cd Kyber/RV32
make speed -j
make run_speed

The experimental results will be output to the txt files in the Kyber/RV32 directory.

For the performance of our optimized implementation on RV64, run the following commands:

cd Kyber/RV64
make speed -j
make run_speed

The experimental results will be output to the txt files in the Kyber/RV64 directory.


For the performance of the Dilithium reference implementation on various ISAs, run the following commands:

cd Dilithium/ref
make speed -j
make run_speed

The experimental results will be output to the txt files in the Dilithium/ref directory.

For the performance of our optimized implementation on RV32, run the following commands:

cd Dilithium/RV32
make speed -j
make run_speed

The experimental results will be output to the txt files in the Dilithium/RV32 directory.

For the performance of our optimized implementation on RV64, run the following commands:

cd Dilithium/RV64
make speed -j
make run_speed

The experimental results will be output to the txt files in the Dilithium/RV64 directory.

Why using the -static option?

The current SDK provided by this development board runs Linux (generated by BuildRoot) on the big core, which is a simplified Linux system suitable for embedded scenarios. It does not support a complete set of dynamic libraries. Therefore, under the current configuration, only executable files obtained using the -static option can run on the development board. For the sake of fairness in comparison, all experiments involved in this work use the -static option.