International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Volume 2024

OBSCURE: Versatile Software Obfuscation from a Lightweight Secure Element


OBSCURE: Versatile Software Obfuscation from a Lightweight Secure Element

OBSCURE is a versatile framework for practical and cryptographically strong software obfuscation relying on a simple stateless secure element.

Scientific paper: OBSCURE: Versatile Software Obfuscation from a Lightweight Secure Element



Please follow the steps in


(All the commands below should be ran from the root of the repository)


usage: [-h] -o OUTFILE [-v VERBOSE] -r R -lin L_IN -lout L_OUT -s S [-w WORD_SIZE] [-version VERSION]
             [-stats] [-width WIDTH] [-depth DEPTH] [-fast | -no-fast] [-universal | -no-universal]

positional arguments:
  inputfile             name of the input file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                  name of the output file
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                  set verbosity level. If >= 5, prints all major representations of the program (AST, HLIR,
                  LLIR). If >= 10, prints minor representations (before SSA, before copy propagation, etc).
  -r R                  number of internal registers in the secure element
  -lin L_IN             number of inputs of the secure element
  -lout L_OUT           number of outputs of the secure element
  -s S                  number of maximal instructions in the secure element
  -w WORD_SIZE          word size
  -version VERSION      version of the compiler
  -stats                print helpful statistics on the compilation
  -width WIDTH          minimal width of the program
  -depth DEPTH          minimal depth of the program
  -fast                 faster compilation, but maybe worse generated code (default: -fast)
  -no-fast              slower compilation, but maybe better generated code (default: -fast)
  -universal            enable universalization to protect the data-flow (default: -universal)
  -no-universal         disable universalization (default: -universal)

To compile a C program, we have to specify the following parameters: -r, -lin, -lout, -s, -o and an input C program. Note that the values of these parameters must be compatible with those of the secure element in runtime/SEconfig.h. The other parameters are optional.

Let us take the C program tests/automated/vrac/t.c, for example. To compile it, run:

python3 compiler/ -r 40 -lin 8 -lout 8 -s 32 tests/vrac/t.c -o bytecode.bin


In the runtime folder, besides the source code of the interpreter and the secure element, there is a folder named sparkle which contains the implementations of the AEAD SCHWAEMM and the hash ESCH.

To compile the interpreter, simply run:

make -C runtime

Note: The chosen configuration of the secure element in runtime/SEconfig.h must be compatible with those (-r, -lin, -lout, -s) specified when compiling the program.

We now execute the file bytecode.bin using the interpreter. Note that the function in tests/automated/vrac/t.c requires 3 input values and returns 1 output value. We run:

./runtime/interpreter --inputs 111,222,333 --out_count 1 bytecode.bin

where 111,222,333 are some arbitrary input values. The output should be:



The script is used to automatically run the tests. The main steps to test a program in this script are:

  1. Compile the C program to generate a bytecode file.
  2. Randomize the input values of the C program.
  3. Run the C program (as a normal C program with a main function) given the random input values.
  4. Execute the bytecode with the interpreter given the same input values.
  5. Compare the returned output values of the two steps above.

To automatically test all the C programs in the tests folder, simply run:


You might need to install coreutils for the timeout command in this script. (sudo apt install coreutils on Debian-like or brew install coreutils on MacOS).

To test a particular C program, for example tests/automated/program/TinyJambu.c, run:

perl tests/automated/programs/TinyJambu.c

To add a new test to be run automatically, we follow the steps below:

  1. Add your C program file into the tests folder. For instance, the following function is put into tests/vrac/t.c:
unsigned int f(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int c) {
  unsigned int k = a + b;
  unsigned int l = 42;
  unsigned int m = c + l;
  unsigned int o = l + m;
  unsigned int e = m + o;
  l = l | k;
  o = e & m;
  o = o - a;
  o = o ^ c;
  m = l ^ o;
  o = m << 4;
  a = m * m;
  return a + o;
  1. In the same folder, create an information file with the same name, but extension .info. This file is then read by to automatically generate the main function for the test. In the information file, we have to provide the following:

Important: Always make sure that the configuration of the secure element in the two files and runtime/SEconfig.h are identical. This configuration includes:
- lin (LLMI_MAX_INPUT_COUNT): number of input values of a multi-instruction
- lout (LLMI_MAX_OUTPUT_COUNT): number of output values of a multi-instruction (equal to lin)
- s (LLS_MAX_LENGTH): number of instructions in each multi-instruction
- r (REGISTER_COUNT): size of internal memory in a secure element


We use pypy3 instead of python3 to speed up the benchmarks. To install pypy3, we first download a proper binary from Our benchmarks use pypy3.10 on MacOS x86_64.

We create a symlink to pypy3 (stored in, for example, /usr/local/bin/), which links to the binary file in the downloaded folder:

ln -s <path-to-downloaded-folder>/bin/pypy3 /usr/local/bin/pypy3

Then, we have to install pip in pypy3:

pypy3 -m ensurepip

Next, we install necessary packages in pypy3 as in python3:

pypy3 -m pip install "pycparser>=2.21" pysodium graphviz

Also, we have to install schwaemm in pypy3:

cd compiler/schwaemm && pypy3 install && cd -

To automatically generate table 2 and 3 in the paper, we run


The results will be generated in benchs/results/dump_all_ciphers.txt. To automatically parse this file into a table in LaTeX, we run


To automatically generate table 5 (Impact of the SE parameters on TinyJAMBU) in the paper, we run
