International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Volume 2023

Formally verifying Kyber:

Episode IV: Implementation correctness


High Assurance Kyber

This is the artifact for the "Formally verifying Kyber" paper.


The artifact is structered as follows:
- long-justification.pdf: contains a statement from the authors justifying the need for the
long paper format for this paper
- /code:
- /ref: reference implementation of the Kyber scheme
- /avx2: Fully optimized AVX2 implementation of the Kyber scheme in Jasmin
- /avx2v: Fully verified AVX2 implementation of the Kyber scheme in Jasmin (i.e. with
the reference implementation of gen_matrix)


The main contributions of this artifact are:
- Easycrypt proof assistant with:
- extensions to the standard library
- nested for loop support in pRHL proofs
- inference of functional operators
- Jasmin compiler with support for:
- local functions
- array, sub-arrays and implicit pointers
- ability to sample randomness on demand using the randombytes primitive
- Fully formally verified implementation of Kyber
- Easycrypt specification of Kyber
- Optimized implementation of Kyber using Jasmin
- Correctness proof of the reference (Jasmin) implementation of Kyber
- Equivalence proof of the optimized implementation of Kyber

Easycrypt & Jasmin

Easycrypt is an automated proof assistant for constructing and verifying game-based
cryptographic proofs.

Jasmin is a framework, including a language and a compiler, designed for writing
high-assurance and high-speed cryptography.

Installing Easycrypt & Jasmin

Easycrypt and Jasmin can be installed using one of two ways:
- via the OPAM package manager
- using the provided Dockerfile

Instructions for both approaches are provided next.

Via OPAM (inside the artifact directory):

apt install opam cvc4 gcc clang                   # for macOS: brew install opam cvc4
opam init --auto-setup -y -c ocaml-base-compiler.4.12.0
eval $(opam env)

opam pin -yn add easycrypt ./easycrypt
opam pin -yn add jasmin ./jasmin
opam repo add coq-released
opam pin -yn add coq-mathcomp-word

opam install -y depext

opam depext -y easycrypt
opam install -y easycrypt
easycrypt why3config

opam depext -y alt-ergo.2.4.1 z3.4.8.14
opam install -y alt-ergo.2.4.1 z3.4.8.14

opam depext -y jasmin
opam install -y --deps-only jasmin
cd jasmin/compiler
make CIL && make
make install || export JASMINC=$PWD/jasminc
cd ..

echo -e "[general]\nidirs=Jasmin:$PWD/eclib" >> $HOME/.config/easycrypt/easycrypt.conf

The script automates these commands.

Alternatively, this artifact contains a Dockerfile which sets up a container with Easycrypt and
Jasmin along with the contents of the artifact.
For information on the installation of Docker see
To setup Easycrypt and Jasmin using Docker run:

docker build -t hakyber .
docker run -it hakyber

to build and run the container.

Remarks: please note that running benchmarks inside a container will impact the measurements.

Easycrypt proofs

Requirements: install Easycrypt & Jasmin
The proof directory contains the correctness and equivalence proofs, which can be executed


inside the directory.

Warning: this process is expected to take > 1h to terminate.


Requirements: C compiler and macOS/Linux; optional: pdflatex and install Jasmin;
The bench directory contains the Jasmin implementations of Kyber as well as implementations from
which can be executed running:

(cd bench/table && make) # with pdflatex; produces bench/table/table.pdf


cd bench && make # without pdflatex; produces bench/bin/*.out

More details can be found in bench/