International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Volume 2022

Verified NTT Multiplications for NISTPQC KEM Lattice Finalists: Kyber, Saber, and NTRU


Verified NTT Multiplications for NISTPQC KEM Lattice Finalists: Kyber, SABER, and NTRU

This artifact contains the source code of CryptoLine and benchmarks to reproduce the results from our paper "Verified NTT Multiplications for NISTPQC KEM Lattice Finalists: Kyber, SABER, and NTRU" in CHES 2022. The experiments in the paper run on a Ubuntu 20.04.3 server with 3.2GHz Intel Xeon (with 32 logical cores) and 1TB RAM. All the 32 CPU cores are used during the experiments. The minimum requirements for running the experiments are 256GB RAM and 5GB free disk space. Scripts provided in this artifact may not work on other Ubuntu versions or other Linux distributions.


To compile CryptoLine and run the experiments, the following packages need to be installed.

CryptoLine is successfully compiled with OCaml 4.08.1, 4.11.2, 4.12.1, 4.13.1, and 4.14.0 together with dune 3.2.0, lwt 5.5.0, lwt_ppx 2.0.3, and zarith 1.12.

All the required packages except sudo can be installed via the script provided in this artifact. To run, make sure that sudo is already installed and the user running is in the group sudo.


Follow the following instructions (or simply run the script in the project root) to build and install CryptoLine as well as the compute algebra system Singular and the SMT QF_BV solver Boolector on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

$ sudo apt -y install \
    build-essential bc ocaml ocaml-dune libzarith-ocaml-dev \
$ scripts/
$ scripts/
$ dune build
$ sudo dune install

Run the following command to see the available command-line arguments.

$ cv -help

To uninstall CryptoLine, run the following command.

$ sudo dune uninstall

CHES2022 Experiments

Experiment: Table 3

To run the experiment of verifying the Intel AVX2 and Cortex-M4 assembly implementations for the NTTs for Kyber, NTRU, and Saber (see Table 3 in the paper), run the script in the project root.

$ ./

This experiment uses 32 CPU cores and the running time is around 1 day on our server. The CryptoLine specifications of the assembly implementations are listed below.

Details of the above specifications are available in Section 3.2 and Section 4 of the paper. To know more about CryptoLine tool and language, please read

Experiment: Figure 5

To run the experiment of verifying AVX2 Kyber NTT with various number of cuts, run the script in the project root.

$ ./

This experiment takes 24 CPU cores and the running time on our server is around 3 hours. The CryptoLine specifications of AVX2 Kyber NTT with various number of cuts can be found in examples/ches2022/kyber768-avx2-cuts. Each specification is named where XX denotes the number of cuts.

Experimental Results

All the log files of the experiments are stored in results-* in the project root. For example, log files of are stored in results-table3 while log files of are stored in results-figure5. During the verification of a specification, the following log files are produced.

Each of the four categories in spec_summary.log summarizes the running time of one or more steps in spec.log.

Extra Experiment: Lite

Besides the experiments reproducing Table 3 and Figure 5, this artifact provides an additional lite experiment, which verifies three NTT implementations from Table 3 using 2 CPU cores:

Execute the following command to run this lite experiment:

$ ./

Most modern personal computer can run this lite experiment. On a MacBook Air (M1, 2020), the running time of this experiment is 1 hour.

Source Code Organization

  +-- LICENSE: license file
  +-- readme file
  +-- the main entrance of CryptoLine
  +-- CLI mode of CryptoLine, used with the -cli argument
  +-- dune-project: dune metadata of this project
  +-- dune: components to be built by dune
  +-- ast/: abstract syntax of CryptoLine
  +-- doc/: description of CryptoLine language and a tutorial
  +-- examples/: specifications in CryptoLine languages
  +-- main/: command line arguments of CryptoLine
  +-- misc/: miscellaneous supporting files
  +-- nbits/: OCaml code extracted from [coq-nbits](
  +-- options/: options of CryptoLine
  +-- parsers/: parsers of CryptoLine specifications
  +-- qfbv:/ translation to SMT QF_BV queries
  +-- scripts:/ some useful scripts
  +-- sim/: simulator of CryptoLine programs
  +-- typecheck/: well-formednees checker of CryptoLine specifications
  +-- utils/: utility functions
  +-- verify/: verification procedures

Each of our improvements made for verifying NTT implementations spreads across different files. Syntax of asserts, assumes, ghost variables, and cuts is in ast/ Conversion from algebraic predicates in asserts, assumes, and ghost variables to polynomials is in verify/ Conversion from range predicates in asserts, assumes, and ghost variables to SMT QF_BV expressions is in verify/ Cutting specifications and processing prove with hints are in ast/ and ast/