International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Volume 2022

VERICA - Verification of Combined Attacks:

Automated formal verification of security against simultaneous information leakage and tampering


VERICA - Verification of Combined Attacks

This repository contains the source code for the paper VERICA - Verification of Combined Attacks Automated formal verification of security against simultaneous information leakage and tampering.

1. Features

VERICA is a framework written in C++ to formally verify given digital logic circuits (as Verilog netlist or as instruction list) for their resistance against side-channel attacks, fault-injection attacks, and combined attacks.

2. Contact and Support

Please contact Jan Richter-Brockmann ( or Pascal Sasdrich ( if you have any questions, comments, if you found a bug that should be corrected, or if you want to reuse the framework or parts of it for your own research projects.

3. Build Instructions

VERICA can be build and used in two different ways. The first option intends to build VERICA directly from the sources and execute the binaries. The second option uses Docker to build VERICA. The instructions to use Docker can be found at the end of this file (see Docker).

To build VERICA directly from the sources and execute the binaries, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Download the source code of VERICA.
  2. Download and unpack the Boost Graph Library (BGL) library.
  3. cd boost_X_XX_X
  4. ./ --prefix=/path/to/VERICA --with-libraries=program_options
  5. ./b2 install
  6. Download and unpack the CUDD library.
  7. cd cudd-3.0.0/
  8. ./configure --prefix=/path/to/VERICA --enable-shared --enable-obj
  9. make check
  10. make install
  11. Change directory to the VERICA folder.
  12. If necessary, update the INCLUDES variable in the VERICA makefile with the path to your copy of BGL (i.e., /path/to/VERICA/include/ as selected as prefix in step 4).
  13. make release

4. Quick Start

After VERICA was successfully build, it can be executed by bin/release/verica -c config/verica.json. The configuration file (i.e., config/verica.json) can be adapted according to Section 4.1. Executing VERICA with the configuration file config/verica-example.json, should result in the output given in Section 4.2.

4.1 Configure VERICA

VERICA can easily be configured via a configuration file written in json. In the following, we briefly describe possible settings and their functionalities.

Parent Parameter Allowed Parameter Description
general verbose 0,1,2,3 Verbosity level.
-- cores 0-X Number of cores that should be used by VERICA. Settings cores to zero, automatically selects the maximum available cores
-- memory positive integer Memory used by each core in GB.
-- netlist/file Valid path Path to the Verilog description of the circuit under test.
-- netlist/name -- Not supported yet.
-- netlist/module -- Not supported yet.
-- library/file cell/Instructions.txt, cell/nang45.txt Description of supported gate types. Use Instructions.txt to process .nl files, and nang45.txt to process Verilog gate level netlists.
-- library/name String Name of the cell. If using Instructions.txt set it to NL, if using nang45.txt set it to NANG45.
-- filtering/type none, white, black Type of filtering that should be applied.
-- filtering/whitelist Valid path Path to file containing modules that should be whitelisted.
-- filtering/blacklist Valid path Path to file containing modules that should be blacklisted.
-- annotation/file Valid path Path to a json file containing possible annotations for inputs and outputs. This is mandatory for shared implementations (share domain and share index need to be set).
-- annotation/apply true, false Indicates if the annotations should be parsed and applied or not.
-- cudd/reordering true, false Enables a dynamic reordering of BDDs supported by the CUDD library. In most cases, VERICA is faster with disabled dynamic reordering.
side-channel enable true, false Enables/disables side-channel verification.
-- configuration/order 0-X Determines the security order that should be analyzed. If the order is set to 0, VERICA automatically determines the highest possible security order.
-- configuration/variate 0-X Select between univariate (1) or multivariate analyses (2-X). (0) creates all probe combinations between all logic stages.
-- configuration/masking 0, 1 Select between Boolean masking (0) and arithmetic masking (1, not tested yet).
-- configuration/interrupt true, false Interrupts the side-channel verification process in case a security flaw is detected (use with caution - not tested yet). Not fully implemented yet!
-- model/glitches true, false Use the glitch-extended $d$-probing model.
-- model/transitions true, false Not supported yet!
-- model/couplings true, false Not supported yet!
-- analysis/uniformity true, false Check uniformity of the circuit under test.
-- analysis/probing true, false Enables/disables verification in the $d$-probing model.
-- analysis/p-ni true, false Enables/disables the verification of the P-NI-property.
-- analysis/p-sni true, false Enables/disables the verification of the P-SNI-property.
-- analysis/pini true, false Enables/disables the verification of the PINI-property.
fault-injection enable true, false Enables/disables fault-injection verification.
-- configuration/number positive integer Maximum number of simultaneous injected faults.
-- configuration/variate positive integer Select between univariate (1) or multivariate (2-X)
-- configuration/interrupt true, false Interrupts the fault-injection verification process in case a security flaw is detected (use with caution - not tested yet).
-- model/mapping Valid path Path to the fault mapping describing the fault type $t$ from $\zeta(f,t,l)$.
-- model/location c, s, cs Location parameter for fault injection. Only combinational gates (c), only sequential (memory) gates (s), both gate types (cs).
-- analysis/reduced_complexity true, false Applies a complexity reduction originally proposed with FIVER.
-- analysis/strategy detection, correction, sifa, sfa Defines the analysis strategy applied to a faulted circuit.
-- analysis/f-ni true, false Enables/disables the verification of the P-NI-property. If enabled, input faults are considered as well.
-- analysis/f-sni true, false Enables/disables the verification of the P-SNI-property. If enabled, input faults are considered as well.
combined enable true, false Enables/disables combined analysis.
-- analysis/c-ni true, false Enables/disables the verification of the C-NI-property.
-- analysis/c-sni true, false Enables/disables the verification of the C-SNI-property.
-- analysis/ic-sni true, false Enables/disables the verification of the IC-SNI-property.

4.2 Expected Output

If VERICA is executed with the exemplary configuration file config/verica_example.json, the output should be the same as stated below. First, the cell library parser (contains the behavioral descriptions of allowed logic gates) and the design parser (Verilog, FIRRTL, and *.nl files are supported) are executed. The design under test is a (1,1)-SNINA gadget presented in [DN19]. Second, several preprocessing steps are performed ranging from parsing annotations, a model postprocessing, and FIA and SCA related preprocessing. The annotation parsing is used to inform VERICA which inputs are control signals, clock signals, refresh gates, and error flags. Additionally, the annotation file is used to provide information about share domains and share indices, and about primary input identifier. The last ones are used to identify inputs that carry the same signals, e.g., for duplication based countermeasures. Third, VERICA invokes the analyzer which is the CSNI analyzer in the given example. Based on the given side-channel order and the number of faults in the configuration file, VERICA analyzes the design under test and reports if the security is achieved by the design. Eventually, a visualizer is invoked which generates two files dot/ and dot/ This files contain a dot graph descriptions of the design under test where the first file contains the entire circuit and the second only an extract with detected flaws (if there are any).

                       VERICA -- VERIFICATION OF COMBINED ATTACKS                             

                Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Chair for Security Engineering                      
                  Jan Richter-Brockmann (,                       
                        Pascal Sasdrich (                              

                                   Copyright (c) 2022,                                        
                                 Jan Richter-Brockmann,                                       
                                     Pascal Sasdrich                                          

                                  All rights reserved.                                        

     0.001    PARSER           CELLLIB               source: cell/nang45.txt
     0.001    PARSER           CELLLIB               Parsed cell library with 14 gate type(s). 
     0.001    PARSER           CELLLIB               SUCCESS

     0.004    PARSER           VERILOG               source: test/case-study-nina/and_snina_d1_k1.v
     0.004    PARSER           VERILOG                  module(s) : 4
     0.004    PARSER           VERILOG                  gate(s)   : 38
     0.004    PARSER           VERILOG                   - comb.  : 22
     0.004    PARSER           VERILOG                   - seq.   : 16
     0.004    PARSER           VERILOG                  wire(s)   : 89
     0.004    PARSER           VERILOG                  pin(s)    : 190
     0.004    PARSER           VERILOG               WARNING: detected 19 unconnected pins!
     0.004    PARSER           VERILOG               SUCCESS

     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            1 input wire was tagged as clock input.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            0 input wires were tagged as control inputs.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            WARNING: 1 wire could not be tagged as control input in the MUT.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            1 input wire was tagged as refresh inputs.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            WARNING: 2 wires could not be tagged as refresh input in the MUT.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            2 output wires were tagged as error flags.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            WARNING: 1 wire could not be tagged as error flag in the MUT.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            8 input wires were tagged with PIIDs.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            WARNING: 28 wires could not be identified in the MUT.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            12 wires were tagged with a share domain.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            WARNING: 3 wires could not be identified in the MUT.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            12 wires were tagged with a share index.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            WARNING: 3 wires could not be identified in the MUT.
     0.004    PREPROCESSOR     ANNOTATION            SUCCESS

     0.005    PREPROCESSOR     FILTERING             Filtering for side-channel verification is disabled!
     0.005    PREPROCESSOR     FILTERING             Filtering for fault-injection verification is disabled!
     0.005    PREPROCESSOR     FILTERING             SUCCESS

  TIME [s]    SERVICE          CONFIGURATION         INFO
     0.444    PREPROCESSOR     MULTI-THREADING       cores: 16
     0.444    PREPROCESSOR     MULTI-THREADING       memory: 128 GB

     0.445    PREPROCESSOR     MODEL POSTPROCESSING  Removed clock tree from netlist (3 wires were removed).
     0.445    PREPROCESSOR     MODEL POSTPROCESSING  No control signals were found.
     0.445    PREPROCESSOR     MODEL POSTPROCESSING  Removed 17 unconnected pins.
     0.445    PREPROCESSOR     MODEL POSTPROCESSING  Removed 0 unconnected wires.

  TIME [s]    SERVICE          CONFIGURATION         INFO
     0.501    PREPROCESSOR     ELABORATE             stage(s): 
     0.501    PREPROCESSOR     ELABORATE                logic    : 3
     0.501    PREPROCESSOR     ELABORATE                register : 2
     0.513    PREPROCESSOR     ELABORATE             SUCCESS

  TIME [s]    SERVICE          CONFIGURATION         INFO: Configure FIA
     0.513    PREPROCESSOR     FIA                   Identified 47 gates as target gates for fault injection.
     0.513    PREPROCESSOR     FIA                   Applied parameters:
     0.513    PREPROCESSOR     FIA                      number:          1
     0.513    PREPROCESSOR     FIA                      variate:         1
     0.513    PREPROCESSOR     FIA                      fault mapping:   model/setreset.txt
     0.513    PREPROCESSOR     FIA                      location:        cs
     0.514    PREPROCESSOR     FIA                      strategy:        detection
     0.514    PREPROCESSOR     FIA                      FNI:             false
     0.514    PREPROCESSOR     FIA                      FSNI:            false
     0.514    PREPROCESSOR     FIA                   SUCCESS

  TIME [s]    SERVICE          CONFIGURATION         INFO: Configure SCA
     0.549    PREPROCESSOR     SCA                   Disabled auto-dynamic reordering for BDDs.
     0.549    PREPROCESSOR     SCA                   Determined 2 shared inputs.
     0.549    PREPROCESSOR     SCA                      Minimum number of shares: 2
     0.549    PREPROCESSOR     SCA                   Determined 31 probe positions.
     0.549    PREPROCESSOR     SCA                   SUCCESS

     0.628    ANALYZER         CSNI                  model parameters:
     0.628    ANALYZER         CSNI                     glitches    : yes
     0.628    ANALYZER         CSNI                     transitions : no
     0.628    ANALYZER         CSNI                     couplings   : no
     0.628    ANALYZER         CSNI                  verification:
     0.628    ANALYZER         CSNI                     targeted : (1, 0) security
     0.629    ANALYZER         CSNI                     verified : (1, 0) security
     0.629    ANALYZER         CSNI                  SUCCESS

     0.629    INJECTOR                               Found 3 valid stages to inject faults.
     0.629    INJECTOR                               Got a new batch of permuted fault locations with 29 entries. I am going to analyze it...
     0.679    INJECTOR                               Got a new batch of permuted fault locations with 16 entries. I am going to analyze it...
     0.728    INJECTOR                               Got a new batch of permuted fault locations with 2 entries. I am going to analyze it...

     0.777    ANALYZER         CSNI                  model parameters:
     0.777    ANALYZER         CSNI                     glitches    : yes
     0.777    ANALYZER         CSNI                     transitions : no
     0.777    ANALYZER         CSNI                     couplings   : no
     0.777    ANALYZER         CSNI                  verification:
     0.777    ANALYZER         CSNI                     targeted : (0, 1) security
     0.777    ANALYZER         CSNI                     verified : (0, 1) security
     0.777    ANALYZER         CSNI                  SUCCESS

     0.778    ANALYZER         CSNI                  verification:
     0.778    ANALYZER         CSNI                     targeted : (1, 1)-CSNI
     0.778    ANALYZER         CSNI                     verified : (0, 0)-CSNI
     0.778    ANALYZER         CSNI                     verified : (1, 0)-CSNI
     0.778    ANALYZER         CSNI                     verified : (1, 1)-CSNI
     0.778    ANALYZER         CSNI                  SUCCESS

     0.778    VISUALIZER       GRAPHVIZ (DOT)        Exported full circuit to dot/
     0.778    VISUALIZER       GRAPHVIZ (DOT)        Exported subgraph of security flaws to dot/
     0.778    VISUALIZER       GRAPHVIZ (DOT)        SUCCESS

  TIME [s]    SERVICE          CONFIGURATION         INFO
     0.778    VERICA           COMBINED              DONE!


The main file verica.cpp of VERICA only creates an object Environment which handles the entire verification. An environment object consists of a settings object, a state object, and a logger. The settings object parses at the time of construction the forwarded config-file and stores all settings while providing corresponding access functions. The state object is used to store global variables and data (e.g., the netlist model, information about the SCA and FIA verification, etc.). The logger is used to create consistent outputs throughout the entire preprocessing and verification.

Besides these basic objects, VERICA creates five additional "configuration" objects: parser, preprocessor, injector, analyzer, visualizer. The parser object reads the cell library and accepts parsing strategies that are able to parse FIRRTL, VERILOG, and NETLIST files. The FIRRTL and VERILOG parser utilize the BOOST library. Independent of the netlist format, VERICA generates a model of the circuit under test which is stored in a netlist object. Each netlist model consists of modules, wires, and pins. The final circuit model is stored in the state object.

The preprocessor object takes care of many different steps. First, the annotation.json file is loaded and parsed. The parsed information are added to the netlist model. Second, a filtering strategy is loaded to the preprocessor which applies the black- and whitelists to the model. Third, a multi-threading object is loaded which prepares the framework for parallel executions of the verification. Fourth, a model-postprocessing is applied which has several tasks. The first task ist to remove all clock and control networks from the netlist model. Afterwards, unconnected pins and wires are removed. Eventually, all wires from the netlist model are sorted in a topological order. Fifth, VERICA loads an elaborate strategy into the preprocessor. Based on the netlist model, all BDDs are created and additional information for the SCA verification is generated. Sixth, a FIA preprocessor is loaded which performs important configurations required for the FIA verification, i.e., determining fault mappings, fault locations, propagation paths, and preparing the framework for FIA related multi-threading tasks. Seventh, a SCA strategy is loaded into the preprocessor which determines all valid probe combinations for the SCA verification.

Based on the configuration file, different SCA and FIA analysis strategies are loaded and executed. All available strategies are implemented in the analyzer/ folder. ConfigurationComposability implements the verification of all SCA related composability notions. ConfigurationCorrection and configurationDetection handle the verification of countermeasures against fault attacks and are able to verify FIA composability notions for correction and detection based countermeasures, respectively. ConfigurationSIFA is applied in case a design should be checked for the resistance against SIFA-based attacks. ConfigurationProbing is used to verify probing security while ConfigurationUniformity verifies the uniformity of the design under test.

Eventually, VERICA supports the visualization as a .dot-graph of the design under test. It is possible to create a graph for the entire netlist model or only for the part that is involved in security violations. Additionally, leaking probes and effective faults (if occur) are highlighted in the graph which should assist the designer to fix flawed parts.


Here are some common issues you may encounter during execution along with possible fixes.

Shared libraries (

In case you get an error message similar to:

./bin/release/verica: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

please export the /lib directory to your linker library path, e.g., using

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib

before executing the binary.


Copyright (c) 2022, Jan Richter-Brockmann and Pascal Sasdrich. All rights reserved.

Please see LICENSE for further license instructions.


J. Richter-Brockmann, J. Feldtkeller, P. Sasdrich, T. Güneysu (2022): VERICA - Verification of Combined Attacks Automated formal verification of security against simultaneous information leakage and tampering. (preprint)

Reproduce results of the case studies

In order to reproduce the results of the case studies from the paper, we prepared a dedicated folder case-studies/ which contains all configuration files that were used to generate the evaluation results. Additionally, we provide the log files of the experiments containing the numbers reported in the paper's tables.


We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers from the CHES'22 artifact submission committee that provided us with useful comments and suggestions to improve our framework and the instructions to run VERICA.



Containerize VERICA using Docker

The repository contains a Dockerfile, which gives developers and users the possibility to build Docker images for VERICA. Using Docker images, the application can be executed in containers, which provide a minimalist environment containing all necessary dependencies for VERICA.

This instruction gives an overview on how to use Docker to deploy and run the application.

Note that you need a current Docker installation and appropriate rights on the host machine to run the following commands. Tutorials on how to set up Docker can be found here:

Building the Docker image

Starting from the local directory containing the VERICA repository, run the following command to build the Docker image:

docker build -t verica .

Alternatively, Docker Compose can be used to build the image:

docker-compose build

Both commands build a Docker image from the release version of VERICA using the Makefile. After the building process has successfully finished, the image will be labeled as verica:latest.

Running the container

After the Docker image has been successfully built, run the following command to execute the application in a container:

docker run verica

Sharing data between the host and containers

Depending on the use case, it may be useful to exchange files between the host system and containers.\ The following commands show how to use volumes and mount binds as data exchange mechanisms.

Use volumes as persistent memory

Volumes allow the user to store files in a persistent memory. Additionally, volumes can be shared between multiple containers.\ One possible use case for VERICA is to store output files, such as logs, in a volume. Using a volume, these output files will not be deleted after the execution of the application is finished.

To create a new volume, run the following command:

docker volume create VericaOut

This command creates a new container named VericaOut on the host machine.

To use the volume in a container, use the following command to run the container:

docker run -v VericaOut:/usr/src/verica/log verica

After that, the volume VericaOut is mounted into the directory /usr/src/verica/log of the container. This directory can then internally be used to create log files which persist even after the container stops running.

Use mount binds to use files from the host machine

Mount binds allow the user to bind directories on the host machine into the container.\ One possible use case for VERICA is to use configuration and netlist files, which we want to be dynamically adjustable and independent from the container image.

To use mount binds, use the following command to run the container:

docker run -v ${PWD}/config:/usr/src/verica/config verica

This command mounts the subfolder /config of the current working directory of the host machine into the directory /user/src/verica/config of the container. In this example, the configuration files for the application are obtained from the directory of the host machine instead of the directory which is built from the image. This makes it possible to change the configuration of VERICA without the need to built a whole new image.

Note that this command is very similar to the previous command. However, no previously created volumes are used here. The configuration file can be adapted according to Section 4.1.

Additional notes

The Dockerfile is configured to use /config/docker.json as configuration file for VERICA. As a consequence, only adjustments in this file have an effect on VERICA when using Docker.

Due to the large size of the boost library, a VERICA image takes about 1.36 GB hard disk space on the host machine.

The Dockerfile builds the release version of verica. For other versions, adjustments in the Dockerfile must be made.

The following shared object files must be present in the /lib folder in order to link the dependencies of the VERICA executable:

To speed up the building process, replace the line RUN make release in the Dockerfile with RUN make release -j\ Note that this can make the building process of the Docker image unstable!