International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Volume 2021

Side-Channel Protections for Picnic Signatures



We provide two variants of Picnic3-L1 implementations:

There are two possibilities to execute the implementations, both requiring the pqm4 framework. Copy the crypto_sign/picnic3l1 folder inside pqm4/crypto_sign, and after that: * For x64 platforms, use the Makefile inside opt/ or masked/ to build the corresponding version. Tests can be built and executed with make kats and by running the produced binary. Benchmarks can be executed after make bench by running the binary with instance number 7. * For ARM Cortex-M4, the whole pqm4 functionality will be available (test, benchmarks, testvectors, etc). We refer to pqm4 for additional usage documentation.

Our formal verification scripts can be validated with maskVerif. Check the README inside crypto_sign/picnic3l1/masked/formal_verification for instructions.