International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


AprèsSQI: Extra Fast Verification for SQIsign Using Extension-Field Signing



This repository contains the code related to the SQIsign signature scheme, using extension-fields in signing. This is code accompanying the paper AprèsSQI: Extra Fast Verification for SQIsign Using Extension-Field Signing by Maria Corte-Real Santos, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Michael Meyer and Krijn Reijnders.

All code in this repository was written in Python and SageMath, and is made publicly available under the MIT license. The dependencies are:
- Python 3.11.1 (with matplotlib)
- SageMath version 10.1

Instructions for Reproducing Results

To reproduce ... from AprèsSQI: Extra Fast Verification for SQIsign Using Extension-Field Signing, do the following:
- Table 1:

cd ApresSQI-Sage/
cd BenchmarkVerification/Apres/
python All 100 True

and for benchmarking NIST/LWXZ, run

cd BenchmarkVerification/NISTandLWXZ/
python All 100 True

The results can then be found as

cat results_specific_version_[version].txt

where the output is of the form [(e, cost)], where e represents the 2-valuation of p+1.


This repository contains two main directories:
- ApresSQI-Sage: this contains the implementation of the signing (using extension fields) and an unoptimized verification procedure. The code in this directory is written in SageMath and python.
- BenchmarkVerification: this contains the code used for benchmarking verification. The code in this directory is written in python.

We now describe the files in each of these directories and how to run their contents.


The directory ApresSQI-Sage provides a proof of concept implementation of the SQIsign signature algorithm, using field extensions when signing, allowing for lightning fast verification.

The files contained in the main directory are as follows:
- contains a class for the SQIsign digital signature scheme, using multiple field extensions when signing, as well as classes for the SQIsign public and private keys.
- this file can be run to time signing and (re)obtain the benchmarks given in Table 1 of the accompanying paper. Simply run


The directory ApresSQI-Sage also contains two sub-directories:
- Precomputed: contains precomputed parameters for certain primes $p$ that are loaded by The necessary parameters for a particular prime $p$ can be precomputed using the file
- Privkeys: contains private keys for certain primes $p$ that are loaded by SQIsign signature call in

We give the precomputed parameters in Precomputed and private keys in Privkeys for the following primes:
- toy: $2$$33$$3$$10$ - 1
- NIST: $2$$75$$3$$36$$23$$2$$59$$2$$101$$2$$109$$2$$197$$2$$491$$2$$743$$2$$1913$$2$ - 1 (denoted as $p$$1973$ in the accompanying paper)
- 7-block: $2$$145$$3$$9$$59$$3$$311$$3$$317$$3$$503$$3$ - 1 (denoted as $p$$7$ in the accompanying paper)
- 4-block: $2$$242$$* 3 * 67 - 1$ (denoted as $p$$4$ in the accompanying paper)

If other primes are found in these sub-directories, they have been requested and added for other applications (beyond AprèsSQI).

Example usage

from ApresSQI import SQIsign

# Signer
msg = "Kani came in like a wrecking ball"
signer = SQIsign()
pk = signer.KeyGen()'priv.key')

sigma = signer.Sign(msg)

# Verifier
verifier = SQIsign()
verified = verifier.verify(msg, sigma, pk)
print('Signature was ' + ('CORRECT' if verified else 'WRONG'))

Or, if you just want to test a ready-made example, you can run

sage param seeds compressed

which allows for signing with any of the four parameters by setting param = toy, NIST, 7-block, 4-block, signing both with and without seeds by setting seeds = True or False (respectively), as well as using compressed or uncompressed signatures by setting compressed = True or False (respectively).

By default, running


will use the toy parameter, signing with seeds and using compressed signatures.


The code in this directory is based on the documentation from the NIST submission of SQIsign. Further, it uses many ideas introduced in Deuring for the People, and some code found here is also taken from the code, made by Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Lorenz Panny, Jana Sotáková and Mattia Veroni. Some other code (specifically, lattice enumeration) is also taken from the code accompanying the project Learning to SQI, made by Maria Corte-Real Santos, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Michael Meyer and Giacomo Pope. Finally, the implementation of sqrt_velu in is from the SageMath source code, adapted to work with our custom xPoint class (doing x-only arithmetic).

Benchmark Verification

The directory BenchmarkVerification allows us to (re)run benchmarking found in Section 7 of the paper. It contains two subdirectories:

AprèsSQI directory

The files in the Apres sub-directory are as follows:
- contains a list of primes used to benchmark.
- contains the AprèsSQI class for SQIsign verification.
- this is the main file used to run benchmarks for the 4 variants of AprèsSQI verification. We detail how to use this to run benchmarks below.
- contains miscellaneous functions relating to elliptic curves and their arithmetic
- contains the functions needed to perform operations in Fp and Fp2. This contains fast square-root computation taken from the SuperSolver code following Scott's Tricks of the Trade.
- contains functions needed to compute isogenies from the torsion basis.
- contains functions needed to do x-only Montgomery scalar multiplication.
- contains functions needed in to perform the pre-computation.
- contains code taken from SIBC, implementing the algorithm for computing optimal strategies from the SIKE specification.
- this file can be used for testing purposes
- contains functions to compute the torsion basis.

To benchmark ApresSQI variants of SQIsign go into the sub-directory Apres and run

python version N

- version = APRESwswp (variant with seeds and pushing), APRESwsnp (variant with pushing and no seeds), APRESnswp (variant with no seeds and with pushing), APRESnsnp (variant with no seeds and no pushing), uncompressed, or All (runs all variants available).
See Appendix C.1 of the accompanying paper for more details on the AprèsSQI variants.
- N denotes the number of runs per prime.

NOTE: Throughout, by python we mean python3 if your terminal requires this (e.g., some MacOS versions may require this.) Furthermore, if you want to output plots, uncomment the line import matplotlib.pyplot as plt.

If you want to run the benchmarks for a specific prime, add the prime to the array SpecificPrimes on line 343, and then run

python version N True

where version and N as above.

NIST and LWXZ directory

The files contained in this directory have identical descriptions barring the following differences:
- this is the main file used to run benchmarks for the NIST and LWXZ variants of SQIsign verification. We detail how to use this to run benchmarks below.
- the same as above except does not use accelerated square-root computations.
- this replaces the above, and contains the class for SQIsign verification used in NIST (and LWXZ).

To benchmark NIST and LWXZ variants of SQIsign go into the sub-directory NISTandLWXZ and run

python version N

- version = NIST (SQIsign as per the NIST submission), LWXZ (SQIsign as per Lin, Wang, Xu and Zhao), or All (runs all variants available).
- N denotes the number of runs per prime.

If you want to run the benchmarks for a specific prime, add the prime to the array SpecificPrimes on line 162, and then run

python version N True

where version and N as above.

Example usage

For example, to benchmark the NIST version of SQIsign with 100 runs per prime, navigate to the NISTandLWXZ subdirectory and run:

python NIST 100


The code in this repository is published under the MIT license, except for in the following files where the code is published under the GNU General Public License v3.0:
- ApresSQI-Sage/
- BenchmarkVerification/NISTandLWXZ/
- BenchmarkVerification/Apres/

In this repository, we have included third party code. Follow the links below to read their licenses in detail:
- Deuring for the People:
- LearningToSQI:
- SageMath:
- sibc:
- SuperSolver: