International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

Crypto 2024

Accelerating SLH-DSA by Two Orders of Magnitude with a Single Hash Unit



An accelerator / codesign for SLH-DSA ("Stateless Hash-Based Digital Signature Standard") as described in FIPS 205 Initial Public Draft from August 2023.

To cite this work, and the related CRYPTO 2024 Paper, please use:

@InProceedings{   Sa24,
  author        = {Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen},
  title         = {Accelerating {SLH}-{DSA} by Two Orders of Magnitude with a
            Single Hash Unit},
  booktitle     = {Advances in Cryptology - {CRYPTO} 2024 - 44th Annual
            International Cryptology Conference, {CRYPTO} 2024, Santa
            Barbara, CA, USA, August 18-2, 2024, Proceedings},
  note          = {Available as IACR ePrint Report 2024/367},
  url           = {},
  pages         = {to appear},
  year          = {2024}


To clone the repository:

git clone

What's where

├── slh             # Self-Contained C Implementation of SLH-DSA
├── rtl             # Verilog HDL source code
├── drv             # Accelerator drivers and test code
├── kat             # SLH-DSA Known Answer Test data
├── flow            # Misc files for FPGA and ASIC flows
├── Makefile        # Convenience Makefile for the Accelerator

Core SLH-DSA Algorithm in ANSI C

The SLotH accelerator uses a core SLH-DSA algorithm implementation contained in the
slh directory. The core implementation is self-contained ANSI C code and should be able to run on pretty much any target. There are no prerequisites except for make and a C compiler.

cd sloth/slh
make test

See slh/ for more information.

Verilator Simulation

As a prerequisite for simulation, you'll need:

Both of these may be available as packages for Linux operating systems. The name of your toolchain is set in XCHAIN variable in the Makefile.

To build and run a quick end-to-end test, try:

make veri

After a successful compilation the output should look something like this:

[GPIO] 00 x          0

[RESET]    ______        __  __ __
    / __/ /  ___  / /_/ // /  SLotH Accelerator Test 2024/05
   _\ \/ /__/ _ \/ __/ _  /   SLH-DSA / FIPS 205 ipd

[INFO]  === Basic health test ===
[CLK]   775     sha256_compress()
[PASS]  sha256 ( chk= 55F39AFA )
[CLK]   1462    sha512_compress()
[PASS]  sha512 ( chk= 1F59A287 )
[CLK]   1467    keccak_f1600()
[PASS]  shake256 ( chk= 07C97065 )

[INFO]  === Testbench ===
[INFO]  kat test count = 0
[CLK]   SLH-DSA-SHAKE-128f 204310 slh_keygen()
[STK]   SLH-DSA-SHAKE-128f 3156 slh_keygen()
[PASS]  sk ( chk= BCA6B2C3 )
[CLK]   SLH-DSA-SHAKE-128f 4943111 slh_sign()
[STK]   SLH-DSA-SHAKE-128f 3380 slh_sign()
[PASS]  sm ( chk= C03DA016 )
[CLK]   SLH-DSA-SHAKE-128f 434660 slh_verify()
[STK]   SLH-DSA-SHAKE-128f 3284 slh_verify()
[PASS]  slh_verify() flip bit = 12389
[PASS]  All tests ok.

UART Test. Press x to exit.
UART 0x78 x


[**TRAP**]    8392281
- rtl/sim_tb.v:36: Verilog $finish

The readout from this particular execution of SLH-DSA-SHAKE-128f is that KeyGen was 204310 cycles, signing was 4943111 cycles, and verification was 434660 cycles. Furthermore, the self-tests were a PASS; the output matched the Known Answer Tests. Modify the end of test_bench.c to have broader test behavior.

Some other targets

Side-Channel Collection

I collect traces from the 20dB low amplified SMA connector (X4). Bit 0 of the GPIO register connects to the SMA connector T13 "CLKOUT" on the board, and this is used as a trigger by test_leak.c. The trace collection and analysis stuff is not included, and anyway works only with my oscilloscope.